
Friday, 8 April 2016

Weekly Writing: Moment in time

Moment in time:

“Come on! It’s a awesome place!” My friend Jack says. I think for a second before saying
“Okay, let’s go. Just as long as it’s safe.”
“It is now let’s go!” He replies pulling on my arm. So we start our adventure.

We push through my jungle-like backyard. After pushing through some branches, leaping over fallen tree trunks and crossing a stream, we reach the entrance. “I didn’t expect a door!” I say. Although I wouldn’t really call it a door. It has planks on the ground near it with easy to spot places where they used to be. The hinges look rusty, but the golden ‘W.H’ stays without a scratch. “Go on Bernie! Open it!” Says Jack. So I do.
Inside is what seems to be a natural wonder. There are dirt walls that go 15 feet into the air, and are covered in this weird vine I’ve never seen before. I look up to see the roof made out of the vines, with enough gaps every so often, that there is light. I look straight ahead and realize it’s a huge tunnel! We both look at each other then race each other to the end. I’m winning, But he’s catching up! Just as I’m about to reach the end I stop. If I had taken 1 more step, I would be plummeting off a cliff by now. Then I realise something as my friend rushes past me. With one last “AAAAGH!”

I walk home in tears, never to talk about that place again, I run into my mothers arms when I get home. “Where were you? And where is Jack?” She asks. I just cry into her shoulder.


  1. Hey William
    I think you did a great job with the describing of the setting. But maybe next time put some physical features about the character.

    Kind Regards

  2. That is a cool picture and when I was reading your story I feel like it should be in a story


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