
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Michelle Dickinson, Nanogirl


  1. did she burn her hand or something because that is just crazy

  2. Hey William,
    I really like how you chose Nanogirl for your thinglink.
    On thing you should work on though, is proofread your post.
    I went to one of her talks, and it was great.
    Did you know that she worked with Apple to make iPhones?
    Do you want to go to one of her talks?

  3. Hey William,
    I like how you did this about Michelle, you added in so much interesting facts! This is really interesting!

  4. Hi William I like your thing you have here it has interesting facts about this girl or lady.Got to go bye
    By Maddie

  5. Hi william
    i like how you showed some of the stuff she did and the photo.
    Next time could you discribe some stuff about her more in a post.
    Kind regards

  6. Hi William !!! How are you doing? Actually I know that you are doing amazingly because I've seen you on the cover of the Wesley Intermediate booklet ! I went to visit Cilla Chester and she presented me with the booklet. VERY COOL! So nice to see you and Wynstan and a few other memorable faces. I hope everything is as cool as it looks on those pages and that you are loving it all. Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.

  7. ki ora wiliam i realy liked your blog i don't know how she set her hand on fire nice work keep it up.

  8. Hi William I like the topic you choose it looked very interesting what made you pick this topic? what are your thought on how she set her had on fire? keep up the great work Emma.


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