
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Social Connects

My Friends:

This is a social connection of my friends at school (I blurred their face's). This shows my connections with them by having people with lines that are shorted closer to me and people who have longer lines more distant friends with me, some people I could not have on here because I could not have a photo of them. These are the people close to me at my school whom I have made friends with.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Informational writing so far!

What would you call the biggest thing in the universe? If you said the universe; or space then you are correct! But what do we know about our universe? Today I hope to expand your knowledge of the universe, galaxies, the solar system and what most people think of as the most confusing things in the universe. Anyway, let’s start small. Well… smallest.

The smallest measurement we know right now is a planck. It is said to be the ‘smallest measurement that makes sense’ and also how small the ‘strings’ are in string theory. It is 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001 m (10-35m). It is really quite impossible to put that into perspective! Now let’s tackle the biggest thing we know in the universe. That isn’t the universe. The winner is the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall (Her-CrB GW). 10 Billion light years across (meaning it would take 10 billion years at the speed of light to get from one end to the other)! Here is a link to a cool video about it: click here for it! As a size comparison. Our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, is 100 thousand light years across. Our galaxy is tiny when compared with some other galaxies and superclusters.

Now let’s talk about our solar system. First of all, the solar system doesn’t end at Neptune and Pluto, and no, this isn’t a weird theory of the real 9th planet (sorry pluto). This is talking about the Oort cloud. You’re probably like “What’s the Oort cloud?” right now, so I’ll show you. Just click on me! Anyway, the Oort cloud is pretty much all the leftover building blocks of our solar system’s planets, really far away from our sun. But a fun fact about the Oort cloud is that we have way too much of it.  It has way too much left over matter just slowly orbiting in a MASSIVE sphere.
A theory suggests our sun was a thief to it’s younger star siblings! Another theory suggests that we have to much in our Oort cloud because of our gas giants (mainly Jupiter) slingshotted them away when they tried (and failed) to orbit the gas giants.

Monday, 30 May 2016


Last week the class started using this site called banqer.
Here is an image to show what it looks like:

It is basically a tycoon game for the whole class. You earn money, have taxes, earn interest, have jobs and more! It looks plain but I love it! I encourage teachers to use this site in their classroom, as it teaches them skills for life and is ton's of fun! Click here!

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Reading Goals

My Reading Goals for Term 1 & 2, 2016:

[Screenshot of Console goes here]
What do good readers do?
Improve their skills in deciphering the letters into words into sentences. Other wise known as ‘reading’.
Look at your Reading Consoles to answer the questions below:
What did you do well?
The surface went well, I am guessing that means the first sort of questions, and the beginnings of work.
What didn’t go so well?
Assumptions. My assumptions of what would happen later in the book, but that doesn’t make much of a difference, does it?
What are your next steps?
To help myself assume things by re-reading what I read so I can guess easier.
How will you get there?
(You might google for websites/ resources that can help you learn or achieve some of your goals)
What I just said, re-reading the work.

Writing Goals

My Writing Goals for 2016:

[Screenshot of Console goes here]
Why do we do writing at school?
So that we learn the subject better to help us develop it in later stages, to help our reading level as well, and because in most jobs you need the ability to write.
What did you do well?
My punctuation was on point, as was my sentence structure.
What didn’t go so well?
Overall structure.
What are your next steps?
To put my paragraphs in the right places, meaning better structure
How will you get there?
(You might google for websites/ resources that can help you learn or achieve some of your goals) Practice.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Playing god spoiler!

"He told me about our worlds. That the world I used to live in was fake. We were someone's play toys, tossed to the side. Like those creepy dolls from horror movies. Except we knew they were alive from the start. But still fake. “You must choose carefully. Your subconscious thinks good and bad of each decision.” So I thought for a few minutes. It was just like those ‘would you rather’ games I used to play in the human world. I came to a decision. Then I fell. And as I did, I wondered if I was ever getting the choice again..."  

"Darkness… That’s all I remember from the fall. It was only cold and dark. Just like the world was about to be..."

Friday, 8 April 2016

Weekly Writing: Moment in time

Moment in time:

“Come on! It’s a awesome place!” My friend Jack says. I think for a second before saying
“Okay, let’s go. Just as long as it’s safe.”
“It is now let’s go!” He replies pulling on my arm. So we start our adventure.

We push through my jungle-like backyard. After pushing through some branches, leaping over fallen tree trunks and crossing a stream, we reach the entrance. “I didn’t expect a door!” I say. Although I wouldn’t really call it a door. It has planks on the ground near it with easy to spot places where they used to be. The hinges look rusty, but the golden ‘W.H’ stays without a scratch. “Go on Bernie! Open it!” Says Jack. So I do.
Inside is what seems to be a natural wonder. There are dirt walls that go 15 feet into the air, and are covered in this weird vine I’ve never seen before. I look up to see the roof made out of the vines, with enough gaps every so often, that there is light. I look straight ahead and realize it’s a huge tunnel! We both look at each other then race each other to the end. I’m winning, But he’s catching up! Just as I’m about to reach the end I stop. If I had taken 1 more step, I would be plummeting off a cliff by now. Then I realise something as my friend rushes past me. With one last “AAAAGH!”

I walk home in tears, never to talk about that place again, I run into my mothers arms when I get home. “Where were you? And where is Jack?” She asks. I just cry into her shoulder.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

About me!

Please note that this is NOT my music. Enjoy!

Monday, 14 March 2016

A short writing assement

Learning Intention:
dialogue in our writing.

Success Criteria:
  1. Speech marks.
  1. The correct punctuation.
  1. Start a new line when someone else is talking.

Your task is to write a dialogue between the two men in the picture above. Use the clues in the picture to give you an idea of what they could be talking about.

A conversation between friends:
How much for the lettuce? said Jonathan.
Depends how much your carrots are, answered Dave,
5 carrots for 2 of your lettuce,suggested Jonathan. Dave considered this for  a while, then
6 carrots.he said.

They agreed on that deal and soon rowed back to each others villages for a nice soup as dinner.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Preview of story!

This is the Preview of the story I am working on with somebody named grace. Here is a link to their blog: Click here

For years the human species has believed they were the highest species, that everything was real, that they were in control of their own lives, but is that really the case?
In fact humans are not at all the highest species, they do not really even exist at all.
A higher species,the Morphers, has decided to play God, inventing their own dungeons and dragons type game, where they can manipulate and play with humans minds, but the higher species do not realise what they have invented, and try to destroy the human world, they cannot do this, the humans try to fight back but they do not have the physical ability to because they don’t exist. What will they do? Who will rise to defeat the Morphers? And why are they doing this?

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The learning pit

The Learning Pit from Kenilworth Learning on Vimeo.

I have been in the pit many times before, have any of you guys?
I learnt that everyone has to fail once.
I think it will change how I look at learning, by making it better to know I failed.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Im Back!

Sorry for the big gap in posts, but they are going to come back! Bye!