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Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Sydney man's attempt to kill spider mistaken for domestic dispute!
6:32 AM Friday Nov 27, 2015
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Sydney police responding to calls of a domestic violence incident arrived to find an unexpected victim - a spider.
The officers rushed to an apartment around 2am Sunday after receiving reports of a woman screaming hysterically, a man yelling "I'm going to kill you, you're dead! Die, die," and sounds of furniture being thrown around.
According to the Harbourside LAC - NSW Police Force Facebook page a man answered the door out of breath and flushed.
"Where's your wife?" one of the officers asked.
"Umm I don't have one," the man responded.
"Where's your girlfriend?" the officer then pressed.
"Umm I don't have one," the man responded again.
When police told the man they were responding to reports of domestic abuse and a woman screaming he said he didn't know what they were talking about as he lived alone.
"Come on mate people clearly heard you yelling, you were going to kill her," one of the officers asked. "Come on mate, what have you done with her?"
"It was a spider" the man responded. "A really big one."
Police then pushed him to explain the reports of a woman screaming.
"Yeh sorry that was me, I really, really hate spiders."
The commotion that sparked the calls turned out to be the man chasing the spider around the apartment with a can of insect spray.
After a quick inspection of the unit to ensure there were no injured parties, other than the spider, the officers left the slightly embarrassed man in peace.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Active Reflection (debate writing)
Question 1: What helped you most with your learning?
Answer 1: Asking my friends for help and helping them myself.
Question 2: What are you most pleased with?
Answer 2: I am most pleased with the bottom of my work, I was best at that debate.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Friday, 6 November 2015
Book Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The Hawkeye
It was 3.56pm and I was pacing my room with my sisters on my bed. “Why have they come?” I kept asking out loud. “What do they want?” No one could answer. A while later we started discussing Mr Thomas. We decided to spy on him. “let’s do it tomorrow!” said Lilly. We all agreed. It was 2.59pm the next day. One minute until the bell- BRRRRIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!! never mind. I tailed the suspect teacher like a hawk. Get it? Any way, he walked to a clearing in the forest, the same one we nearly died in, (I could tell by the state of the place) and noticed the spaceship appear again. This was going to be GOOD! I saw him walk onto the ship, I had to tell this to my family.
I burst to the door, when “hi honey, how was school?” It was my mum. Her real name was Amber, she was a water element almost all female Erkinshires are. “No time mum, gotta tell my sisters something!” This was going to be interesting. I rushed up the stairs and asked for my siblings to come into my room, I told them what I saw. “ After he got onto the spaceship, this guy emerged, he looked awfully familiar, anyway he put some crates on board, which were screeching like heck.” I said “then Mr Thomas came out and…… and..” I didn’t want to say it but I had to. “He flew into the air, and like, speed away. He came back later with this guy in his hands (who was very confused of course) and chucked him in the spaceship. I think they tortured him or something because for the next ten minutes There was horrid screaming inside it. I left then.” The overs just stared in awe.
Mr Thomas gives me the creeps now. He looks as though nothing happened at all. One day when I walked into class I was as surprised as everyone else (but not as confused) when we realised that Mr Thomas was gone and the reliever was in his place. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened. “Good morning class 11.” “Good morning Miss” the class chanted back, it was going to be a long day. After class I ran to my favourite lunch table with my sisters to tell them Mr Thomas was gone. “It is a bit suspicious.” said Torch. “A bit suspicious!” I said, “He’s obviously doing the thing again! Or worse!”. “Well, what are we gonna do about it?” asked Trident.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Cool Story!
Here is a link to a cool story I writ on watt pad.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Inquiry Reasons siblings are BAD
What Would Happen If I Didn’t Have Siblings
If i didn’t have a sibling i would have more friends.
If i didn’t have a sibling i might be able to keep calm easier.
If i didn’t have a sibling i could have a better reputation.
If i didn’t have a sibling i might have a happier life.
If i didn’t have a sibling i would probably live longer.
If i didn’t have a sibling i could be happy.
If i didn’t have a sibling i might have less stuff and more money.
If i didn’t have a sibling i would have to do more work.
If i didn’t have a sibling i could sell things.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Can I just say the recorder I used wasn't very good and I made it up on the spot, please tell me if I made mistakes though, thank you for watching!
Friday, 16 October 2015
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
How Video games are Designed.
The video game was invented in 1952, and would be nothing compared to the graphics and textures we have today. I’m here to tell you how these are designed, so if you want to find out how video games are designed, I suggest you read on. Well, as I said before, the first video game was made in 1952 and was invented by kids, a tic-tac-toe game on a computer. In 1962, the first recognised video game was made, and in (you guessed it) 1972 the first arcade game (named kong) was made and to later be a home video game for your gaming device. The video game starts up with the core team, a team of people who make the ideas for the game, which make up ideas for the journey, where it will be based, what genre it will be, what the characters names will be, that kind of thing. They break down the game on paper, and colour code things like characters are on yellow paper, settings are on green paper, story on blue paper, and start the artistics of the game. They do the backgrounds and characters in a kind of graphic novel, storyboard.
At the time graphic artists recreate the characters into 3D models on computers, they then make them much more realistic by giving them textures and colour. After this is done, animators mess around with movements and see which ones they want in the game, there are over 700 movements in the main character alone! They then make a pose for the cover and a pose they naturally stand in. It’s amazing how much change the characters go through from pencil drawing to the final picture. Other animators work on the background and setting. Once they have a rough image, they add details, to make it seem more realistic or better than before. To give it depth and dimension they use a kind of virtual lighting, they also do shading and shadows, this gives it a much more realistic look.
To make the cinematic's even more realistic, they do a thing called motion capture, this is very self explanatory, the animators put a video of what the character is going to do next to the character and try to re-live that through the character. Computer programmers make the video settings, this enables to toggle volume and graphics. To record the voices of characters, actors say things that come into the game and are recorded in a sound studio, then implemented into the game. Now they send the video games out for a test run (what I want to do) and check the game for bugs. Sometimes they leave what seems like bugs to find easter eggs, or secret missions in the middle of game play. The game makers can finally send out their game to the public as the ‘beta’ version. If people like their game they will update it past this stage, going through all this again. Now before I go I got a question for you, do you still want to make video games?
Friday, 28 August 2015
Writing reflection for my previous post
I give my work a
so not thumbs up but not sideways either, its in the middle.
This is because: I did some pretty good work but are sure I can do better. I am most pleased with making my first piece of informational writing this year. I think that I did achieve my learning intention.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
How sea turtles grow into adults
How sea turtles grow into adults
First a 20 year old female turtle lays between 50-200 eggs on the beach, and if they survive, will too lay their eggs here. She digs a hole where she lays the eggs and covers them with sand, she then crawls away into the water. The white leathery eggs are approximately the size of a ping pong ball. After about 6 weeks the eggs begin to hatch but sadly 20% of these will be left behind, and never hatch. The baby turtles are an average size of a human palm. Next they rush to the sea with rubbish, birds, crabs and holes to stop them in their path, before they even started. 50% of these turtles (so 40% of the hatched eggs) reach this fate. Finally the sea turtle reaches the sea and looks for hiding places like seaweed. There are many dangers in the sea for sea turtles such as waves, whales, sharks, dolphins and sea birds for when they come up for air. 50% of babies that do make it into the sea, die from these animals and objects. As our little friends get older, they become not so little, and have less dangers. In about 10 years, a turtle the size of a dinner plate, can grow to the size of a dinner table. I bet some of you wish you could grow like that.At approximately the age of 20, they are able to begin breeding, after doing so they swim to the beach, starting the cycle all over again. Only 10% of these creatures make it to this stage.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Back from the trip!
I just want to say that I'm back from the trip. It was awesome but I'm going to have to tell you about it in another post. Sorry, bye!
Monday, 17 August 2015
I'm sorry guys but I am going on a trip to a big Mountain to go skiing. Don't worry its a school trip for about 12 people so I'm not just skipping school. But no blogging for about 3 days, just wanted to say that before I go! BYE!!!
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Story in Progress
Chapter 2
The Hawkeye
It was 3.56pm and I was pacing my room with my sisters and Alizay on my bed. “Why have they come?” I kept asking out loud. “What do they want?” No one could answer. “Man, I wish I had powers like you guys.” said Alizay “Mine would be..” he paused to think for a second then “ It would be nature!” he said. He explained how he would shoot fines, and grow forest’s. A while later we started discussing Mr Thomas. We decided to spy on him. “lets do it tomorrow!” said Lilly. We all agreed.
It was 2.59pm the next day. One minute until the bell- BRRRRIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!! never mind. I tailed the suspect teacher like a hawk. Get it? Any way, he walked to a clearing in the forest, the same one we nearly died in, (I could tell by the state of the place) and noticed the spaceship appear again. This was going to be GOOD! I saw him walk onto the ship, I had to tell this to Alizay.
I burst to the door, when “hi honey, how was school?” It was my mum. Her real name was Amber, she was a water element almost all female Erkinshires are. “No time mum, gotta tell my sisters something!” This was going to be interesting. I rushed up the stairs and asked for my siblings to come into my room, then Trident called Alizay over, I told them what I saw. “ After he got onto the spaceship, this guy emerged, he looked awfully familiar, anyway he put some crates on board, which were screeching like heck.” I said “then Mr Thomas came out and…… and..” I didn’t want to say it but I had to. “He flew into the air, and like, speed away. He came back later with this guy in his hands (who was very confused of course) and chucked him in the spaceship. I think they tortured him or something because for the next ten minutes There was horrid screaming inside it. I left then.” The overs just stared in awe.
Mr Thomas gives me the creeps now. He looks as though nothing happened at all. One day when I walked into class I was as surprised as everyone else (but not as confused) when we realised that Mr Thomas was gone and the reliever was in his place.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Monday, 10 August 2015
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Here is what my buddy Tim did on open day
“why do people write in diaries?” answers
1.People can share their personal thoughts and feelings into a diary
2. People share what they did today ,what they thought of their new job/school,share what they and write in the recipe
Inquiry quiz resualts
Here is the link to the 3 question quiz:
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Game I Made for Inquiry!
Here is a game I made for my Inquiry called:
little and big!
this is a game a bit like tag here are the rules:
- there are big siblings (the taggers) and little siblings
- if someone yells “time loop!” or “insti-age!” people can’t tag or be tagged for 5 seconds (can only be done once per person)
- no pauses or stops unless emergency
- littles have to crawl and bigs have to walk
- best played in a big space but concrete is NOT recommended
- if a little is tagged they turn into a big, but the other big stays a big
- game is over when one person is left, they win!
Friday, 24 July 2015
Lonely Planet! (no solar system, no star but still a planet?)
Astronomers find lonely planet not orbiting a star
2:26 PM Thursday Oct 10, 2013
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Astronomers say they have found a lonely planet outside the solar system floating alone in space and not orbiting a star.
The gaseous exoplanet, dubbed PSO J318.5-22, is just 80 light years from Earth and has a mass only six times that of Jupiter. Having formed 12 million years ago, the planet is considered a newborn among its peers.
"We have never before seen an object free-floating in space that looks like this. It has all the characteristics of young planets found around other stars, but it is drifting out there all alone," said research team leader Michael Liu of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
"I had often wondered if such solitary objects exist, and now we know they do."
The researchers, whose study was published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, identified the planet from its faint and unique heat signature using the Pan-STARRS 1 wide-field survey telescope on the Haleakala volcano of Hawaii's Maui island.
They suggested the newly found planet may have the lowest mass of all known freely floating objects.
Other telescopes in Hawaii showed that the planet has similar properties to those of gas giants orbiting around young stars, but PSO J318.5-22 lacks a host star.
During the past decade, researchers have found about a thousand extrasolar planets using indirect methods, including planet-induced wobbling or dimming of their host stars.
But only a handful of these planets have been observed directly since most are orbiting around young stars less than 200 million years old and thus very bright.
PSO J318.5-22 "is going to provide a wonderful view into the inner workings of gas-giant planets like Jupiter shortly after their birth," said co-author Niall Deacon of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany.
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