
Monday, 20 July 2015

Instructions on how to look after a pet cat by ME!

s.c by William
make it simple and clear                    3/3

list equipment needed                        3/3

list instruction in order                        3/3

title                                                     ⅔

total                                                                 11/12

How to Look After My Pet                         
             Cat Cody   

You Will Need:
  1. cat food
  2. water and food bowl
  3. toys
  4. fishy treats


  1. feed one tin of salmon to him twice every day
  2. check water bowl while cat is feeding, if empty or near fill to the top
  3. give toys to play with
  4. clean litter box once every two days.
  5. If Cody is good give him a treat
  6. Hugs and kisses given (very important)  


s.c by Elijah
make it simple and clear                   
list equipment needed                        

list instruction in order                       


total           10/10 great job William.



  1. William that was a good instruction i hope that someone will listen to you

  2. William that was a good instruction i hope that someone will listen to you

  3. WOW William that was an amazing way to look after your cat!


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